King of Mahjong
麻雀王 (2015)“King of Mahjong” centers on the decade-long feud and eventual reunion of Huang Tian Ba (Mark Lee) and Ah Fatt (Chapman To), two top disciples of legendary mahjong guru, Master Ru.
20 years later, Huang Tian Ba, who is now a world-acclaimed mahjong magnate shows up in Ipoh to challenge Fatt to a final showdown – The International Mahjong King Competition. Despite Huang’s insistence, Fatt declines to join the competition as he is determined and contented to lead the life of a commoner.In a bid to force Fatt into the showdown, Huang abducts Fatt’s wife, Lei Meng Na (Michelle Ye). Fatt has no choice but to join the competition as Huang holds his wife as hostage.
On the mahjong table, Fatt and Huang compete as the finalists; Ru Wu Chang’s secret mahjong technique and the truth comes to light as the winner emerges...
阿发(杜汶泽) 和阿顺(李国煌) 都是麻将天尊儒五常的徒弟。阿发在怡保老街角落一间残旧 咖啡店卖酿豆腐,这间小店生意不算很好,但也过得去,最主要是这里有一群几十年的老 顾客,因此生意无忧。阿发的妻子雷梦娜(叶璇) 多年前已经出走,丢下他独自抚养女儿四 喜,如今四喜已是个花样年华的少女。
阿发过了十多年轻松平静的日子,终于有一天,咖啡店来了一位不速之客之后,就彻底 改变了。此人其实是十届世界麻将大赛的冠军皇天霸。两人言谈中,透露出对方叫“阿顺” (皇天霸),跟阿发是同门师兄弟。阿发本来以为师兄弟叙旧十分开心,岂知对方却下战书,要阿发出席一场在新加坡的世界麻将大赛,一较高低。
两师兄弟为何形同陌路,他们20 岁那年到底发生了什么事…