Lelio Popo
Lelio婆婆 (2010)JIANG MAN DA and LU YE CHANG is the famous radio-Giant FM's popular radio DJ, host their humorous style, making them gain much public attention to their program. Prescriptions utilities, such as day they become arrogant, politics a bad attitude, in the loose-tongued talk show, often late to work, much of my colleagues dislike them. Program Director Lisa recalcitrant to no avail, and finally dismiss them. JIANG MAN DA and LU YE CHANG not worried about they were fired and the convergence of feel-good they think with their talent, must be a better development.
Counterproductive, because of their reputation, JIANG MAN DA and LU YE CHANG has been unemployed for a full 2 months, and many radio stations are afraid to hire them, to make a living, they had to cast aside “hanging flower show”, even in the supermarkets selling washing water . One day they saw from the newspaper to hire 2 Home FM Radio DJ, make them excited and decided to go apply.JIANG MAN DA and LU YE CHANG reach Home FM, all candidates are old ladies, only then they knew station is hiring old ladies as radio DJ. In order to get the job, they ask favour from their friend, the famous image designer FRANKY to transform them as old lady……
江满大与陆夜长是著名广播电台-Giant FM的当红电台DJ,他们的主持风格幽默有趣,令他们的节目备受大众的瞩目。事业如日方中的他们变得不可一世,待人处世态度恶劣,在节目中说话口无遮拦,经常迟到甚至不到,备受同事的厌恶。节目总监Lisa屡劝不果,最后只能忍痛将他们辞退。江满大与陆夜长并没有因为被辞退而收敛,自我感觉良好的他们认为以他们的天份,一定会有更好的发展。
事与愿违,由于他们的名声败坏,江满大 与 陆夜长已经失业整整2个月了,许多电台都不敢雇用他们,为了生活他们不得不放下身段接吊花秀甚至在超级市场推销洗地水。某天他们从报上看到Home FM要聘请2名电台DJ,令他们振奋不已,决定前去应征。江满大与陆夜长抵达Home FM,发现应征者全是老太太,才得知原来电台要聘请老太太当DJ,为了得到这份工作,他们唯有求助他们的好朋友,著名的造型设计师Franky替他们乔装成老太太...