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Operation Mekong



A merchant vessel operating in the Mekong River Delta is attacked by bandits, causing the death of 13 people. When a huge amount of drugs is found onboard, Chinese authority teams up with police forces from Thailand, Laos and Myanmar to investigate the case. The movie is inspired by a true event that took place in 2011.

兩艘中國商船在湄公河金三角流域遇襲,十三名船員全部遭槍殺,並在船上發現90萬粒毒品…這宗血腥冤案,掀起了悲劇的序幕,中國決定派出緝毒精英,以高剛 (張涵予 飾) 為隊長,潛入金三角查明真相,企圖揪出案件的幕後黑手。與此同時,茶園老闆兼駐金三角情報員方新武 (彭于晏 飾) 亦為此展開調查,方新武心知船上毒品乃是毒梟手下所收取的利益,幾經波折下終於鎖定幕後主腦-糯卡。泰國丶老撾丶緬甸和中國四國聯手緝拿糯卡,事件的進展撲朔迷離,而通往真相的道路更是險象環生…