(2017) Detective Gao JianXiang is having a very difficult day, not only he needed to attend his mother’s funeral, his department is also being investigated by internal affairs over bribery charges. He was distracted and runs over a man. Sickening of all the incidents that happened at once, he has chosen to bury the body without evidence. But his action has brought him to a even more complicated situation. Gao and teammates were assign to investigate a wanted killer, who turns out to be the dead man. Things got worst when Gao received a call from an unknown man, whom know clearly what happened that night- a Lieutenant who is also a police officer like Gao. Why exactly is this man trying to get from the poor Gao, something big is hiding beneath… 道貌岸然的警官高健翔正处在人生的危急关头,他的母亲不久前刚刚去世,警局方面因为和同事涉嫌受贿而被检察官调查,回家奔丧的路上速度过快又不慎撞了人。左右奔突,疲于奔命,最后以瞒天过海的方式逃过一劫。 好不容易渡过危机的高健翔和同事受命追查一个通缉犯,结果却发现对方正是自己撞到的人。雪上加霜的是,偏偏有人目击了车祸过程,并且匿名举报。之后不久,神秘之人打来电话,直接道出高警官撞到通缉犯的隐情。对方拥有和高警官同样体面的身份,而他反复纠缠这个惊弓之鸟背后又有怎样不可告人的目的?